Monday, November 28, 2011

A SENSATIONAL Time in Prague

Bear hat and onesie, classic combo

As Colleen left for Copenhagen to visit Hsuehsy and go to sensation white, a small but adorable group of us stayed in Prague. Since this was a Halloweekend, the fun of course started on Thursday, although the costumes were not broken out until Friday.

On Thursday, Sami, Kylie, Clark and I went to the last night that Pink Floyd bar  was ever open. We did not know it would be closing that night forever, but I'm glad we got to go there before its demise...

Not sure if my costume, Chelsea's or Sami's is the worst...

60s housewives always have wine bottles!

Some of us sported terrible, makeshift costumes...must be Friday night in Prague on Halloween weekend. Apparently the rest of Prague did not get the memo...

We looked a bit ridiculous at the wine bar, even more ridiculous on the tram, and we even looked crazy at Lucerna, which we for some reason returned to that night!



Saturday morning meant pancakes again and then a very disappointing trip to one of my favorite American establishments. Luckily, Sami took a little Souvenir from Hooters to make it worth our while. A door handle! We decided against costumes that night and the next. We waited for the Monday return of the weary travelers to put them on again, some of us vowing to do a bit of a better job this time, no matter how ridiculous we looked.

Monday night=Halloween= everyone once again looked awesome while the rest of Prague chose to ignore the great American Holiday. We had two people dressed up as fruit for God's sake! haha. Though I've got to admit that the blood orange and watermelon were pretty awesome. Carly was so incognito as Minnie Mouse that she even escaped Facebook's face recognition. She had to be tagged independently.
Ninja, Blood Orange and Gangster? Watermelon

Ninja swoops into another picture...

Anyway, overall a very fun and very Czech Halloween. That's my last post for tonight, but luckily we are officially to November, even though December is fast-approaching. Yikes! I'm hoping to get all the posts done while I'm here, but I'll at least have them done before break ends...

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