Monday, November 28, 2011

Litomysl (I can't think of anything funny about this name)

Unused chateau liquor cabinet
This is the view from my future home.

So, Bill and Ted once again parted ways for this weekend in October (Yes, there were tears cried by all, and yes, that's how many posts I have to catch up on, we're at the middle of October). I went on the art and architecture trip to see some sweet Rococo chateaus, a cubist house and some awkward modern art. I also went to a very interesting museum where everyone just ended up trying their hand at calligraphy (haha, their hand...), drawing terrible pictures and even dressing up in armor. Seriously, I think they love us on these trips, because Americans don't care at all about looking stupid.
Sami sleeps on the servant sleigh

Oh hey there, Sami
Oh wait! So, you know how I mentioned the gnocchi puns in the last post? (I'm sure you do, since you all are loyal followers) Anyway, this was the trip with all the gnocchi puns and tiramisu. It also consisted of me taking ridiculous picture of Sami (see above), and I even got my lovely roommate Chelsea to sneak into some of them. Sami and I ordered two litres (oh hey, metric system) of beer each, since we were subsidized by the program. When they came to give us the beers, they kept trying to give them to the guys because they didn't think we had ordered that much beer. Over here, buddy! We will be taking those.
Here are some pictures of Sami and Chelsea:

Part of the wedding reception?

Actually attractive picture
On this trip, we were introduced to the most boring Czech students in existence, who took us to a bar and then complained about how lame it was and went home. There was only one club in this whole town, so I'm pretty sure that was a s good as things were going to get. We had to listen to music gathered around someone's iTouch...

Anyway, fun weekend. I accidentally packed for three nights instead of one, and Sami passed out on the floor next to her phone as she got updates about the Wisconsin game. Well done, Litomysl, well done.
(Colleen spent this weekend in Prague/Trebic, so I'm sure you will read about this soon). Meanwhile, I have a lot more posts to write. Hopefully I make it so you have to you guys have to catch up on your reading, rather than the other way around!

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