Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I'm sick of watching this owl war. Get me out of here...

What do you do when you have a mandatory trip only on Sunday, all your roommates are out of town and you've been in Prague for the past two weekends?
Molli, Sami and I went to Slovakia. Despite some negative words about the Bratislava bus station and the movie Hostel, we had a great time. Starting with the bus ride, where we had some good snacks and terrible movies (Owls of Gahoole twice? Really?)

First stop from the bus station? Our hostel, which was awesome. The people at this hostel were almost too nice. We even made a temporary friend in our room who was visiting from Brno for the night. He liked to sleep. After some time in our room...

So glad i took this :)
Same with this gem...

....Molli also got tired, so we bundled her up and went downstairs.

Sami about to lose...but actually.

Turns out, Bratislava was kind of lame with the nightlife, but we played some foosball and met some sweet European pals out by the front desk. We didn't meet anyone from Slovakia, which was a bit of a shame. Our European friends liked to dance. Unfortunately for them, Sami and I like foosball.

Oh hey (the go-to caption)!

The next day was by far the greatest. Even though Slovakia is on the Euro, it was really cheap to get breakfast and some beers on our free tour. We had a photo shoot, and Molli took some sweet back-of-the-head-and-sweater pictures. Sami and I were matchy and Christmasy.
We made more friends! Although you can't tell from this picture...

Great glasses.
Great Backdrop

Molli and Sami both tried out some cool poses to make them seem more badass. I'll let you all choose who wins...

 Molli gets a big thanks for planning our grand trip to Bratislava. Such a wonderful trip and definitely the best part of the weekend. Here's the only picture of my mandatory Sunday trip to Terezin/Ledice. ---------->

Photo credit: Adi Putra

Good times. Next up, Bill and Ted reunite for a trip to Paris!

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