Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hesky Time in Cesky Krumlov!

So, here I go again with the blogging. I know that you all are probably sick of my posts and want to hear from Colleen, but I'm sure she will get to typing in due time! Especially since, I know she will have a lot to say about Cesky Krumlov. This place was seriously awesome, and it was like a two-day stay at a spa...not that I've ever done that. But anyway, it was restful and beautiful. See for yourself!
A fairy tale
And here's Coll and I at the top of the castle tower blocking this lovely view!

Yeah, we like our pictures real close up...
We had no Bagster to save us!
The Grim Reaper was after us! (haha, sorry Rachel)

It was really windy. Oh also, I don't know if you can tell this, but we are also very matchy. Check out that coordination. White scarves and classy North Faces. Nope, we didn't even have to plan it. Anyway, Cesky Krumlov was a bit chilly and we thought the end was near when we saw these two things:

Wish we could have joined 'em
So, yeah. There was a bear and our friend Rachel who was so bundled up that she looked like the Grim Reaper. And this wasn't even the best photo of her looking like him. Colleen had taken that picture, so I thought I would let her do the honors. Especially because she spent the entire trip laughing at the picture (which was hilarious, so I can see why). Anyway, I don't want to take that away from her. I'm sure it will have an epic caption.

More pictures? Hmm...well, there were some sweet people paddleboarding and kayaking down the river, which was really cool. Apparently you can raft from Prague to Cesky Krumlov in about five days...Let's hope people packed some road beers and fruit.

Oh hey, Ollie!

On the last day of our trip, we were treated to a brewery tour and got to taste Regent beer that was unfiltered. This place was awesome, and fun times were had by all on this tour. We may or may not have had way too much beer considering we hadn't eaten, but after that we got a three course meal that lasted us for days...No one could move after all that gnocchi and tiramisu. Don't even get me started on the gnocchi puns.

Trying not to smile
Oh, also, we went to a photography museum and everyone on our program dressed up in ridiculous clothes and had our photos taken. The person giving the tour of the photography museum definitely didn't have to ask us to dress up twice. Here was the outcome of that:

Sorry about the terrible formatting and lack of sass in this post. Next up: either Colleen's take on some of these trips or...Bill and Ted part ways for the weekend! I went on an art and architecture trip, and I'm not so sure about Coll. I forget...too many trips. Hope this can hold you off for a while!

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