Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bill and Ted EscarGOt to Paris!

Not sure if we're headed the right direction...

Our own row!
Title Credit: Molli Carlson

So, finally Coll and I met up for a weekend and had a very classy time in Paris. Pretty much our entire program was on the flight there (well, a couple people, but still...we had no idea they were coming), but split up to get to the place we were staying. No, Bill and Ted did not go to some overly priced hostel, thanks to Maria Bea Travis and her France-living friend, Noah Lee.

Ahoj there, Sam!
Love locks part II

Noah proved to be a very obliging and eccentric host (thanks Noah). He is invited to stay with us in LA any time, as is Maria.

So warm in here!
Bite of the baguety!

Friday consisted of a free tour from my favorite of my tour guides, and the only one whose name I actually remember, Sam. He was awesome and told us a secret entrance into the Louvre. Even though Sam was super awesome and we loved his tour, Paris was freezing compared to the type of clothing that we had brought (thanks a lot weather.com). We took our dresses and hardly effective leggings/jackets into the first restaurant that we could afford.

Batter up!

So pensive...

We took some sweet pictures of food and then headed to the Louvre and didn't make fun of any of the artwork. But we did. Whoops! We couldn't feel too bad though, because the entrance fee was free (Thanks a lot Charles University Card (But really this time)!)

Pretty sure there's a thumbs up there somewhere

No, no drinks for me thanks!

A classy dinner was had with enough wine for the road...

Before we knew it, it was time to wake up and be super touristy again. Next on the agenda (and my favorite touristy part of the trip)? Versailles. Free admission and audio guides made me want to re-watch Marie Antoinette. Well, maybe just listen to the soundtrack...
Nothing witty to say...kind of adorable...
Tried to get that whole thing in there!

There was a welcome trip to Starbucks justified by all the money we saved, a stop at Liz Clark's favorite sorbet place (delicious, thanks for the recommendation!), a preview of the Christmas markets to come and Coll's first ever trip to the Eiffel Tower!

After all the excitedment of the day, we spend some Euros on some gyros and made our way back to Noahs!
Our only goals on Sunday? Baguetys and the Arc de Triumph. Although the baguettes proved to be easily procured, there is something called the Grand Arch that is NOT the same as the Arc de Triumph. What should have tipped us off was the fact that they had two different names!

Not the right Arch!
My camera washed her out, but check out that arch!

We joined some more people to fly back home and grabbed some snack for the road.

Oh Paris, an excellent adventure to be sure!

1 comment:

  1. How come I don't see Bill and Ted having a lacrosse catch in Paris or something?
