Monday, December 5, 2011

Shamrockin' around the Christmas Tree (yes, that's the best I could come up with!)

My favorite picture

  So, I’ve been getting a lot of flack from Colleen and I’s new followers from Ireland (okay, its one follower) for not putting up a blog post about my trip to the UK, even though I just got back last night. However, this and the fact that I really want to get caught up with these posts, has inspired me to post right now  about the Ireland trip!

Accidentally ordered too many!


Honestly, I was excited about Ireland, but when I got there, I was blown away. I think Colleen was too, because she kept saying, “We’re in Ireland!” The Brosnans of Kerry would be proud. 


All right, this wasn't the same night...

The first thing we did after checking into the luxurious Paddy’s Palace was to go get a Guinness! Katyy met up with us sometime during that drink and our subsequent meal of fish and chips. Having come from London, Katyy was probably fish and chipped out, so she ordered something else.


That night we met up with Colleen’s friend from home, Mary Clare, to go out to some Irish pubs. The first night did not have the live music that Colleen wanted to Irish dance to, but we had fun anyway. We went into this random place and made some real Irish pals. One of them claimed to be a professional dancer of some sort, but after Katyy and I did some swing dancing with him, we were still unconvinced (sorry!). The next claimed to either be Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake from Social Network) or to be like Sean Parker. Neither applied, but I guess he never actually said it, his friends did, so he’s in the clear. 

The following pictures need no captions, as they speak for themselves:


Mary Clare, Colleen, Professional Dancer and Sean Parker went home, but Katyy and I hung out with Gene, who loves Peep Show, wine (but not beer. What’s up with that?) AND Bill and Ted Take Prague: The Blog. The name Gene kept reminding me of the two characters with that name in Mad Men, which was ironic, because he works in some sort of advertising or something. I haven’t really figured out exactly what his company does yet. Anyway, two thumbs up for Gene (especially if he’s reading this) for getting Katyy and I back to the hostel in one piece. 

The next day we went on a free tour via the Paddy Wagon to the Irish countryside. Even though we were a bit sluggish at first, things were beautiful. There is nothing really else to say about it. It was just awesome. You’ve gotta go. 

The tree from the title?
How'd this one get in here?
Giving Gene Kelly a run for his money!

That night we went to find some live Irish music, which was especially enjoyed by Colleen. To further Colleen’s enjoyment of the night, they also played some Christmas music! This one guy didn’t believe that Colleen was 21, and he made her show him his passport. 

This picture resulted when he found out that she was actually old enough to drink in America:

Katyy and I went back pretty early and rested up for the next day! We went to get souvenirs the next morning and then it was time for Katyy to go. Coll and I went on yet another free tour and then took a trip to the Guinness factory.
My goodness, my Guinness!

Free drink at the top!


After the tour we jumped back onto the Paddy Wagon and made our way to the airport to go to London. 

That night we were too exhausted to do anything but get kebabs (falafel for me!). The falafel was terrible and we met a lot of drunken British people who kept asking if I was in the queue and saying that my food looked well good, even though it wasn’t.

The most comfortable way to sleep, according to Coll...
7.5 hours of public transportation to get home. Some people just can't handle it.

The next morning Colleen and I made our way into the city. Unfortunately we only had time for a free tour and then we got some food to go at Tesco and made our way back to Mary Clare’s to get our stuff and then straight to the airport to go back to Prague. We waited a really long time for some of the trains and once again were almost late for our plane.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some of those:
The Abbey!
Colleen and Abs
Sexist railcard poster...

All caught up! Yesss. Joanna is visiting this coming weekend and then I’ll do a concluding blog post (sniff, sniff). 

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