Friday, December 16, 2011

The ABC's of Praha

So, Bill and I have written a lot about our travels, but this is Bill and Ted take PRAGUE the blog, so this is an exclusively Prague post. Prague is unlike any city I've ever been to and by far my favorite city in Europe. So before I'm no longer sipping on some Kozel (dark) and am back to chugging down some Natty Light, here are the basics of the awesomeness, magic, and craziness of Prague.

The Praha ABC's

All nighters
HAHA yeah right, that never happened. At least not for schoolwork. Does the time we partied in Barcelona until 5AM and got on a 7AM flight to Milan count?

Bile vino [boxed]
I never really drank wine before I came to Prague, but for just 40 crown aka 2 dollars you can get a bottle that will last night. If you're really on a budget, there's always the 18 crown aka 90 cent boxed wine, but you might want to make sure that you don't have important plans for the next day.

It's really more like a juice box.

The Christmas markets in Prague are incredible. Definitely an excellent way to spend the afternoon sipping on some hot wine and eating some tasty Czech food while listening to Christmas carols. Love.
Photo credit to Lauren

Lauren again.

Dance Thumper
The funniest game ever, I am definitely bringing this one back home. Learned new classics such as the Shakira (Maria), and spread knowledge of some old favorites aka Thizz face and fist pump.

Thizz faces can be personalized

Endless baking
Our apartment constantly smells like Christmas because we are bake-aholics.
Some treats of this semester have included....
Gingerbread cookies!
Molasses and pumpkin cookies around Halloween

Honey cake! Brosnan family get ready for this for Christmas

An international conference with a bunch of world leaders that came to speak. Got to see Václav Havel, the first president of the Czech Republic. We're now bffs. Sorry, Bill.

Grim Reaper
First seen in Cesky Krumluv and makes various appearances throughout Prague
Gets me every time

I have traveled pretty much every weekend these past four months, and although I have loved every second of it, coming back to Prague has always felt like coming home.

Although I have undoubtedly spent a lot of money here, Prague is an incredibly cheap place to live. Beer is actually cheaper than water. This should be an international law.

The Czech version of Santa is actually a buff baby Jesus who decorates and puts presents under your tree. Would probably beat Santa in a fight.

Kde? Kdy? Kdo?
Means where, when, and who. Useful in many situations, and makes you seem more Czech. 

This is the first club that I went to in Prague, and one I also revisited this past weekend. As seen below, both times were pretty epic. Dancing the whole night to 80s & 90s music = vyborne.
Older and wiser pre-Lucerna in December
Lucerna in September

Movie nights.
Movie nights with mexican food and baked goods are a Prague staple.

Freshly baked cookies by hOliie homemaker for movie night
This may or may not be Breaking Dawn
Na Bucance
The pre-school that I volunteered at this semester. The kids were adorable, but based on my limited knowledge of Czech, I would just smile and nod at them and so I'm pretty sure they all thought I was stupid. Or just really slow.

One hundred crown place
A restaurant that's just a 5 minute walk from my apartment, where you can get a liter of beer, a meal, and free bread and dessert for just 100 crown aka 6 dollars. Best idea ever.

So good that Joanna came from Spain to czech it out

Czechs drink more beer per capita than any country in the world. First rule of Prague study abroad: When in Prague, drink like a Czech.

These were all mine. HAHA jk mom
Quickly moving trams
Seriously, step back or you may become a palacinky.

Radik, the reindeer
Also known as Mittens the Moose in the US. This guy gets around.

Smazeny syr
Aka fried cheese, a Czech specialty. Basically tastes like a mozzarella stick sandwich. Throw some ketchup and mayo on, and it even tastes good sober.

Joanna samples the local food

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday/ day of the year. Even though it was hard to be away from home this year, we had the most amazing Thanksgiving potluck. New friends = more reasons to be thankful.

U Sudu
The place to pregame. If you're ever wondering where everyone is, they are probably here. Or if not, Legenda.

Vietnamese markets
Found all over Prague, they have the cheapest food and enormous apples that make you wonder how exactly they were grown.

Wenceslas Square
One of Prague's main city squares. Close to Lucerna and excellent place for some late night smazeny syr.

X-cellent adventures

Y do we have to leave?

There's one in Prague. I haven't been.

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