Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I’ve tried to write a bunch of catch-up posts, but I am not as on top of my shizz as Bill. This past weekend marked the last weekend of travel for Bill and Ted, though, so I figured it would work to do a little recap of our travels around Europe. This way, you can see the highlight of each trip (of which there were many so it was hard to narrow it down!)  Plus, it was more fun to look through all the pictures. Especially since I have four papers to write and 2 finals tomorrow.

It has been QUITE the semester. So DRUMROLL PLEASE………here is a week-by-week recap for those who missed it:


Week 3: Munich, Germany

Drank liters of beer and learned the meaning of eingang.

Week 4: Amsterdam and Brugge, Belgium

Ate many kinds of chocolate and some baked goods. Quite the trip. 


Week 1: Budapest, Hungary

A weekend of Hungarian Mexican food, thermal baths, a parade with a llama, the Budapest marathon, and gorgeous scenery with these kids. Life is good.

Week 2:  Cesky Krumluv, Czech Republic

Perfect weekend in a fairy tale town with my Prague bffs.

Week 3: Trebic, Czech Republic

Learned about some Jewish history, but was clearly more excited about free lunch with Rachel, Chuck, and Eric :)

Week 4: Krakow, Poland

Somber trip to Auschwitz and visit to Krakow. But there were pierogies.

Week 5: Copenhagen, Denmark

Danced my butt off, beat the beat, and basically had the best night ever at SENSATION with a freshly 21 Jessy <3 Ignore the dirty hands. True fist pumping starts at the ground.

And before you know it, it was November.....

Week 1: Lidice & Terezin, Czech Republic

Learned the tragic history of a beautiful place

Week 2: Paris, France

Learned the difference between the Grand Arch and the Arc de Triomphe. Also ate the best bagetys.

Week 3: Barcelona, Spain & Milan, Italy

Day drank like a true Barceloneon and demolished this guy.

Week 4: Vienna, Austria

Celebrated the end of 4 Eurocoll/Eurojess European vacations with 7 Christmas markets, 1 Wienershnitzel, 1 out-of-this-world apfelstrudel (pictured is shortly after the first bite), 1 night at the Wombar, and 0 new hostel friends.

And on to December, where has the semester gone life is moving too quickly omg


Week 1: Dublin & London

One of my favorite places. I think this picture sums up our weekend quite nicely.

And that sums up our travels! Which have resulted in this:

Who am I. good thing this program is pass/fail. 

So could this semester get any more epic? Why yes, because we are studying in Prague. Prague is unlike any other city that I've been to, and definitely deserves several posts, which will hopefully be coming soon. It is the beginning of finals season, after all, which means that procrastination is in full force. So, brb while I pretend to study for a bit.

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