Thursday, January 20, 2011

Troy Reunion: Lindsay's stay at Colleen's

So honestly, I think that Colleen should be writing this blog about how much she loved my stay in Troy last week. But she's off making Paninis (you'd think that she would have had enough of that at Panera Bread). Actually, I'm not sure if she actually made the bread at Panera. I'm pretty sure she's a super lame cashier who only asked if people wanted apples or chips with that. And then the customer would think she was offering them apple chips and say yes. Awkward.
Now would have been a good time to  have an embarrassingly awesome picture of Colleen in some sort of Panera Bread uni. with a name tag that says Rachel or Katie or something (she didn't want people to know her name). I'm pretty sure it said Katie.
So this is how I showed up at Colleen's place. Not really. I had a lot more bags. A lot more. This was just my groceries that did not go in the fridge.

At least I got a grand welcome. Colleen was super psyched to have me staying with her, just like old times. Her roommates were equally excited, but they were not there with a big sign and a super warm welcome, as they were both still at home. Too cool. Throughout the week, they definitely loved having me there at random points throughout the day. I think I was there more than they were. Liz and Lindsay were super nice for letting me sleep on the couch, and they hardly ever asked when I was going to leave their place and head back to the lofts.
Want to know who else came by right when I got to Troy 131. Or is it 138? Or 130? I don't know. I am hoping that by guessing three numbers in the 130s that I finally got it right at some point. Anyway, Mike brought us some carrot cake, that was affectionately called by Colleen as "dead cat cake." I hope Mike doesn't read this, because his neighbor gave him the awesome carrot cake that she made with homemade cream cheese frosting. So good. I did not go a day without eating it. Anyway, Colleen hates animals and is not at all sensitive to dying cats. Horrible. If you are a vet or a beloved member of PETA, then stay away from Colleen. She will offend you. She drew a picture of my dead chameleon John on a beer pong table with x's for eyes. He was my first pet. RIP dead pets. But let's get real. PETA is kind of crazy, and is taking the whole animal protection thing WAY too far.
On to the next part of the my first night there. This again involved Mike, and we also added Keely to the mix. We went to the basketball game against UCLA. Now, if any non-reader of our blog (which let's face it, is most people) asks me how that game went, I will be chalk-full of stories about how it was so close in the middle and a UCLA guy next to me got thrown out. That is not what happened. Having only been to a couple of games collectively, we failed to find the correct entrance to the game. We were already showing up after half time, which was pretty embarrassing. The bag checkers glared at us, because they had to come back outside to let us in and make sure we weren't trying to bomb the place. We did not know why they were looking at us that way. We figured it out when we found our seats. There were only two minutes left in the game. My analysis of the game: there were a lot of fouls, so that the Bruins could attempt to get back on top. They failed. We won. Time to go home. It was hot in the Galen Center.
Special thanks to Liz, Lindsay and Coll for letting me stay the week. I would return the favor any day. :) Please someone, yell at Ted so she starts blogging more. This is embarrassing.

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