Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lindsay's stay in New York

So, considering this is a blog for travels, mainly of our future time in Prague, I will start by describing my experience in New York. This was not my first time staying with Colleen, her parents, siblings and nana, but it was my first time staying there when it was winter.
 The first night did not go well. I was cold, and by the time we arrived at Colleen's house in the fake Orange County, all of my clothes that had been in the trunk for the entire ride from JFK were freezing when I went to put them on. My slippers really helped me out that first night, and so did my awesome Amsterdam hat. Yes, I am also wearing my Northface. In short, I was cold.
Luckily, after that day, I started to warm up. Let's just say I'm not used to having to dry my hair before going out the doors. I normally use my car heater as a hair dryer, but oh well. I got outside to catch the train, and it was ridiculous. The air was definitely not a good hair dryer, and we almost missed our train each day, because I am super lame and can not get up and get ready on time. But who can wake up with Dunkin' Donut's coffee? I hate that stuff. All the creamer in the world will not make it good. And I'm not making fun of the east coast and their coffee. I am a big Dean and Deluca fan, and I also love Tim Horton's. Apparently Dunkin' should stick to the donuts, although I've never tried one.
The first day we went to Rockefeller Center and saw the big tree. Colleen, her family, especially nana, were very hospitable. It was cool to do some of the wintery things that I had never done. But the absolute best things that happened were as follows: lunch at Wohops with James, picture time in FAO Schwartz, finding our way through Central Park even though we never thought we'd make it to the other side and going to the Met. Although, what is the Met if the roof is not open? Pretty lame. We also got to see Kathy Lee, which I think that Mike was the most excited about, even though he was not even there. Awkward.
But nothing says New York style like a James Hurley dinner party. This dinner party did not have a jazz swing band and wine, which was a little bit upsetting, but it did include a French press for our coffee and tea at the end of our meal. It was good catching up with James and Kelly, who joined us finally, and I also got to meet Colleen's friend Kate. This has been especially great, because Colleen still thinks it is really weird that I know most of her friends at home. Unrelated to friends at home, Kelly finally joined us at the end of the week, and we watched Black Swan. If you are for some reason still reading this fairly dry post and have not seen Black Swan, go see it. It is especially fun to see this film at the theatre in the fake Orange County where Colleen lives. This mall that has the theatre in it was supposed to be the big hang out place for all Goshen residents, etc. But there were like five people in the whole theatre, not including us, and its not like we went there on a weekday. This was a Friday. Apparently everyone in Goshen has turned 21 and were out at the bars and not seeing the great soon-to-be-Oscar-nominated films that were playing at the lovely movie theatre. Such a tragedy.
The person who had the grandest time near grand central? That would be Kimmy. We took her for her first time in the city (even though she has lived in New York for 21 years). "I'm like a kid in a candy store, but the candy store is just really huge," said Kimmy as we drove into the city, singing to Aerosmith's Don't Want to Miss a Thing (okay, Kimmy and I were the only ones singing) Her favorite part about the so-called "Big Apple," being not in, but next to Madison Square Garden, where she took a picture next to a Ranger's player who's name I don't know and never will. Her biggest disappointment? The tree. Apparently she expected it to be bigger. Best find? Miss Kimmy, my supposed buddy who abandoned me to do a lot of shopping at American Eagle and Forever 21, bought so much stuff, that I can't even tell you what her favorite thing was that she bought. Fashionista. Enough said. Weirdest thing that Kimmy did? She bought a hot dog instead of a burger at the Shake Shack. Awkward. We enjoyed our Shake Shack on the floor at the Port Authority Bus Depot. Classy, and a great way to end my ridiculously long and not at all witty post. Hope someone read it. More to come, and maybe we will get Colleen's even more boring perspective of my trip, if we ask really nicely. :)

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