Saturday, September 10, 2011

Colleen Kdo? (Colleen Who?)

The Much Awaited Post from Praha…

So, Colleen is going to have to actually start posting on this blog, because I can’t vouch for where she has been much at all. For all I know she has just been sulking in her apartment and attending classes.

Okay, she has made mentions of going to bars, concerts and a castle about 40 minutes outside of Prague. She has even gotten people to affirm these whereabouts, but I don’t know what to make of that.

Not that any of this matters, because as the title references, Colleen will never be posting on this blog. She may as well not be in the title of this...

Here is what I have done so far in Prague:
Went to a castle...

Danced to 80s and 90s music...

Drank vino and pivo

Got rained on...

Walked...a lot...

Maintained my hatred for small children...

Learned some Czech (Jak se Mas?)

Went Bowling...

Anyway, some of those pictures have little to do anything, but you get the point. I’m having fun (way more fun than Colleen)! Let me know if you require a postcard as further proof of this. I bet that Colleen will be too lazy to send people postcards, since she can’t even post a single word on this blog.
Sorry about the terrible formatting. Blogspot hates me. I'll fix it later!

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