Sunday, August 28, 2011

12-hour layover, eh?

Guess Jonah Hill isn't Canadian? Or because he lost that weight?
I probably would have paid $100 to have wifi for the next 12 hours. I trust Canadians about as far as I could throw a really fat one, so sleep is out of the question for the next half day anyway.
I just google imaged fat Canadian for emphasis, and Seth Rogen appeared. Then again, so did Sarah Palin. Unfortunately for Seth, he's actually Canadian, so he will be the one pictured. Sorry, Seth. I honestly don't think you're that fat.

I'm afraid to google search fat American.

Like their health care, the wifi in Canada is free, which is probably the only nice thing I'll say about Canada. Sorry, Soph.

In order to offset this great thing I've said about the great white north, I would like to take the time to talk about some lackluster Canadians. The first person(s) on my list are obvious. Actually, I forgot that Justin Bieber was Canadian. This is a tough one. Still...

1. Nickelback. I know that we live in a time where every popular song is the same four chords, but this group takes it to the next level.
I want to shake the hand of their stylist...
2. Justin Bieber. Sorry for those with the fever, but if I have to delete my search history after I Google search a picture for this blog, there's a problem.
Yes, I purposely chose this picture with the purple cardigan

3. The cast of Degrassi. YES! The entire cast. Minus Drake (the kid in the wheelchair).
That's right Drake, you're the best Degrassi has ever had
4. This guy. His last name is Trudeau, and apparently he beat out a serial killer to be the worst Canadian ever. I find this to be fairly impressive, which is why he is so low on my list. He was a Prime Minister, and apparently was arrogant and bad with money. He sounds less cool than Nixon.
Honestly, this guy looks the most normal

5. Tara Oram. I'm sorry. No one knows who this is. But I do, because this news station has been on loop for the past couple hours, and one of the news stories is about Canadian country music. Tara has a song about partying like its 1929 that bugs me for the following reasons: I've heard it too many times (one time was already too many), it seems like a rip-off of Prince's 1999 and its country music! I downloaded a picture to post, but I am sick of looking at Canadians.

Except for this one:

K bye.


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  3. I feel it's important to mention that the magazine that held the online poll that named Trudeau the Worst Canadian Ever ahead of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka is called "The Beaver" and should probably be ignored.
