Monday, April 18, 2011

Bill and Ted's Highlight Reel of Junior Year

Hello, everyone. 

I'm back. And so is my insomnia. This is no coincidence.

Since I will likely be up until 4, even though I have to wake up at 6 to get back to school, I decided to bide my time by making a sweet highlight reel of Colleen and I's junior year. 

Mainly, I felt bad about all of the mean stuff I had said about her in my previous posts...

To break up the pictures, I offer the top ten things I enjoyed participating in with Colleen over the school year. 

1. Tailgating. (That's right, this is not a countdown) Anyway, this was the last football season for Colleen and I, so we definitely made this one the most memorable. Special shout-out to my parents and grandparents, as well as Colleen's family for making special appearances. We kept it classy the whole way through, and I only hiccuped my ticket away once, so there's that.

2. Lacrosse. This was the only time I got to see Colleen during the week, since we didn't live together this year, plus the lacrosse team is basically three quarters of our readership, if not more. Anyway, loved relaxin' with lax at LAX, and I am definitely going to miss our seniors, if you're reading this. :(

3. Visits to Orange County. Colleen got to visit the real OC (no not Laguna Beach, but I guess we did visit there while she was in OC), and she obviously had the best time with Mike and I. Also, I went to the fake Orange County once, and I saw no evidence of the OC Choppers, but I thought hanging out with Kelly and James was pretty awesome (come back from London, guys!). Anyway, this helped break up all of our L.A. adventures, which was kind of a necessity. 

4. Holidays. Although the best holiday (Troy Easter) is yet to come, making chickens (not pictured) was definitely an experience, even though Colleen is a wuss when it comes to getting all of the stuff out of a chicken and just gives up. Luckily, I am a champ. Not so much with the potatoes, but I will definitely be redeeming myself this weekend, watch out. Third time's a charm?

5. Volunteering. Even though we were only able to make it to Habitat for Humanity once, and Friends and Neighbors Day once, where Colleen did not get her green thumb, all was pretty great. I still have bruises from Habitat, and riding the bus and going to Popeye's for the first time was definitely an experience. Mike loves those Popeye's fries. Mmmm. 

6. Staying at Troy. Although the couches are sufficiently uncomfortable since I moved out, staying in Troy, whether it be when I moved in with Colleen for a week or when I had to sleep on the couch or floor because we had to wake up early, was always a good source of nostalgia. Just glad that I have my dishwasher.

7. Watching Colleen Pretend She Was Asian. Very self-explanatory. I don't know what else to say. 

8. Cabo. The only reason Cabo is so low is because it was a one time event. Seriously, it should have been higher than volunteering, but just because I'm bored doesn't mean that I'm not too lazy to go back and fix it. Actually, a lot of things should go higher than volunteering. I hope my future potential-employer does not ever read this. Shoot. Anyway, Cabo was amazing, but it had a full post about it, so I'll skip the details. Although you can see some of what happened in the right kind-of-corner of your browser (your right).

9. Wearing Matching Outfits. Most of the time, it was unintentional, I swear. I remember one day over the summer we skyped and were both wearing matching pinnies though. It was embarrassing. But basically, we wore matching clothes way too often, and Colleen matched Jess a lot too. I think this must mean that Colleen is the common denominator and does not know how to dress herself, so she has to copy others. Whoops, this was supposed to be a nice post. Maybe that will have to wait for Colleen's 21st!

10. Colleen's Attempt at a Thizz Face. With Colleen's lack of need to get confrontational this year, she changed to constantly making a thizz face, dougie-ing and asking people to drop her a beat so that she could do either of these things. Pretty awesome, and she actually got a bit better at both, although I'm pretty sure that the way that she dougies is completely incorrect. Still, it made for some great video. 

Still not tired. Lame.


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