Friday, June 10, 2011


Okay, well, I don't know if you know this, but Colleen is 21. She is a much better friend than I am, considering I fail at calling people at exactly are 21 other reasons why she is wayyyy better than I am. Always.

numero 21.
Colleen can bake and will always make you food. This should probably be higher up, because she is way, way better at cooking than a number 21 rank, but there are so many other cool things about her, that this had to go dead last on the list.

Her insistence that Miracle and Cheaper by the Dozen are good movies. I know that I am not fond of these films, but I do enjoy people loving their favorite movies. Not only that, but Colleen stands by her favorite movie with so much persistence that I can't even handle it. How can you make 12 kids adorable? I don't know. Crazy perseverance. Only Colleen.

Colleen's insistence on getting confrontational. I know that it has toned itself down over the years, but I have lived by the motto "time to get confrontational" for so long. Its ridiculous. I don't even want to get confrontational half of the time, but I feel that I have to because Colleen wills it so.

Colleen thinks she is Asian. What the heck? She is the whitest person ever. She even thinks that she is tan because her freckles blend together to make her darker. Yet she often times thinks that she is yellow. I cannot fathom this, but I have to go along with it, because she has epic Chinese-speaking abilities that blow my mind. Nan Song was really impressed with her...or at least her effort. Colleen has also perfected the great peace sign, with Asian face.

The fact that she doesn't get fancy and she just gets dancey. Seriously...I know that she is too school for cool, but we have the best study raves. She always informs me about the best songs from the radio, because I don't listen to the radio. She introduced me to Pink's "Raise your Glass," which has kind of been life-changing. She also likes the line "Its easy being Puff, but its harder being Sean," from that song by Diddy Dirty Money. "Coming Home"? I think so.

She ran a marathon. Need I say more? I needn't, but a picture says 1,000 words. Also, she ran 2 marathons. Not just one. Gentlemen, get on that.

She can teach you how to Dougie. Well, she can't teach me how to Dougie, but she can definitely teach you. She is pretty much the best Dougier I know, and I know that now that she is 21, she will be the best Dougier of them all. Even better than actual dancers. i am so proud of her Dougieing skills. How does she do it? I've no idea.

14. Because she lives in the super touristy realm of the OC, New York City, she has to entertain people A LOT. She always does everything that the person who is visiting her wants to do. It doesn't matter how much it costs her and how many times she has done it before, she's just hanging out and taking you to wherever you want to go. She would have gone iceskating with me, even though it was like a million dollars, but I decided against it.
All of my roommates love her. Normally I have to tell my roommates when people are coming to spend the night, but I might as well not bother when it comes to Colleen. One time I told Bayan that Colleen was staying for a couple of nights, and I told him that I was sorry for telling him last minute. And then he asked if Colleen was staying the whole summer. He was giddy. Honestly, he was like a little kid. I think he was possibly more excited about seeing Colleen than I was. It was absolutely ridiculous, and I couldn't believe it.

She hates puppies. Really, I don't know how this is a good thing about Colleen, but it is a definite part of who she is, and it is something fun to make fun of her about. Yep, two funs in one sentence. What would Jordan Rees and I talk about if Colleen did not hate puppies and did not hunt puppies for a living. Here is a picture of an ugly puppy for her benefit. This one's for you, Coll.

She is so considerate when it comes to other people's birthdays. I fail apparently when it comes to her birthday, but she is always so nice. She bakes a cake or always does something. And even when she hardly knows someone she always feels terrible when she doesn't do something for their birthday. Its adorable, and it makes me feel terrible as a friend for being late when it comes to her birthday today.  suck. She is the best. I honestly cannot stress this enough. 

Well, we are almost to the single digits. And here we are...number ten. Anyway, number ten smart Colleen is. I know that it might not be super cool to be a nerd, but Colleen is one of the coolest nerds I know. She is always studying, but when she is not, she is hanging out with me. I wish that I had her determination, motivation and all-around awesomeness. She will make the best lawyer. So proud of her.

Her lacrosse skillz. I don't know if you know about her lacrosse skills, but you should definitely come out to a game to see her defense. She is crazy at lacrosse. The epic thing is the fact that she had never played lacrosse before I asked her to play with me. And she joined before me. This was awesome, because she got to meet everyone before I did. Also, she is definitely the defense queen of lax. I can't even handle the awesomeness. Not at all. Luckily, I play offense, so I am far removed from her greatness.

Her family. They made her who she is. Nana, and everyone. Oh shoot. They are the absolute most adorable family I have ever seen. I love it. So cute.

Her slutty tops. I know that this is definitely not number seven, and that this is probably ridiculous, but Colleen always says that she is going to buy/wear a slutty top, but they are far from slutty and are just basically adorable. 

The fact that Colleen likes frat parties and is able to drink prestige without throwing up. I know that this sounds ridiculous, but this is basically how Colleen and I became friends. We bonded by sitting on the stairs at Sigma Nu, and we have been BFFS ever since. I hate frat parties, but I love that I am friends with Colleen. 

The fact that she dressed as a sexy sherlock holmes that one time for Halloween. Another bonding moment for us is when we went to Hollywood for Halloween. It was one of the most ridiculous Halloweens, at least for me, but the fact that Colleen was an attractive detective was absolutely awesome. Check this costume out.

Numero quatro? The fact that she is not sick of me yet, to the point that she wants to go to Prague with me in the fall. I am so excited to be Czech with her and speak Czech that I cannot even handle it, but for the most part, I cannot believe she would want to hang out with me for an extended period of time, especially after I was the world's worst roommate last year. Honestly, I cannot even handle it, but I am going to take advantage of that niceness for as long as I can.

Her bungee jump. Not much else to say. Take a look.

2. I don't know why the formatting is doing this, but I cannot really figure it all out at all. That's what Colleen is for, but she never posts on this damn blog. This brings me to number two. The fact that she never posts on this blog, but when she does, she is hilarious. Also included in this is the fact that she can talk to anyone. Here she is, being super funny to anyone and talking to everyone. I cant believe the kinds of conversations that she carries on with certain people, but she keeps it going, and she pretends to be interested. Also, she is really funny when she types out these posts. Right now I'm regretting this entire post, because I know that it was not as adorable as the post that she made for me. It just wasn't as cool, because I can't pull stuff like this off like she can. I sure wish that I could. But I just can't.

I have to follow suit with Colleen's end post from a couple of months ago. She is one half of Bill and Ted. Even though no one ever calls Colleen Ted, I don't even care. She is the coolest, and she is one of my absolute best friends. I am so lucky to have her in my life, and I cannot wait for her to get her ass back here so that we can hang out. AND PRAGUE. AND SENIOR YEAR. So much to look forward to when it comes to Colleen. She is the coolest. AND SHE IS 21 AND CAN LEGALLY DRINK WITH ME ALL OF THE TIME. I AM SO EXCITED. I AM IN DISBELIEF. Love you, Coll. You're wonderful.

1 comment:

    Colleen's favorite website of all time. For surrrrrrre.
