Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bill and Ted Take Cabo

Despite Colleen thinking that our blog was a jinx, we are both officially going to Prague in the fall!

Unfortunately, we don't leave until sometime in August, so we will continue to post about our travels/things in this country.

Or will we?

Nope, we won't, because we just got back from Cabo, and that's the title of the post, so I'm going to talk about that. See what I did there? I know. It was hilarious.

"CABO! WOOO!" - I still can't get the shrill screams of Colleen and the entire Greek system out of my head. This basically describes the obnoxious plane and bus ride to our hotel. But once we got there, we had unlimited free drinks. Colleen is now an adamant fan of Che Che's ("I can't taste the alcohol at all!"). We attempted to order every drink on the hotel's menu, trying a paloma, miami vice, etc. I was going to order the mysterious medias de seda, until Colleen told me that was lame, and I should try this crazy thing called a cerveza. For even limited Spanish speakers, this was very funny.

It wiped this smug look right off her face. Seriously. Look at this picture. This is more than liquid courage. This girl obviously thinks that awesomeness is proportional to how many people you have taught how to dougie. 

Sadly she hasn't taught me yet, so I'm not sure that she should look like that in the first place. Especially if this is what I have to look like while I'm dancing. P.S. Take a look at this classy establishment. Its called Baja Junkie, and its nearly impossible to get a water here. Just saying.

Luckily, Colleen apologized for not teaching me how to dougie and got a little less pompous, so that we could take this picture, which she said was a blog-worthy one. I agree. Also, none of this really happened, because we were fine the whole time, and I know that I will never learn how to dougie. Plus I don't think that I would have wanted the videos that came along with knowing how to dougie. Every time Colleen would dougie, Jess would take a video of it. The responsibilities of knowing how to dougie are too great.

I would just like to add this picture in order to point out how tan we (well, I) got on the trip. Even Colleen claims that she got tanner, although it hasn't been proven, even through these photos. "My freckles got darker!" - not sure that counts as a tan.

Here's a closer look. Well, mainly I put this, because Colleen embarrassingly dressed the same way as me at the airport. It was horrifying. I kept my head down the entire time at LAX. She forced me to pose for this picture. Actually, I originally thought the picture was just gong to be me and Jenn, but Colleen swooped in at the last second. Jenn tried to get out of the frame, because she too felt uncomfortable by the matching outfits. Unfortunately for her, she did not get out in time. Sorry, Jenn. Anyway, I also picked this picture, because I know Colleen would like me to mention the fact that lax was relaxing at lax.

Also we went bungee jumping. Look at my perfect form. You'll need to hold onto this perfection when you see Colleen's terrible bungeeing skills. My swan dive was modeled after that Old Spice commercial I love so much. Perhaps Colleen should watch some more tv.
Here is Colleen bungeeing. The picture speaks for itself. Just because she used some sweet color enhancement tool does not make it any better. Haha. I can't look at this anymore. I think I'll end on this. It didn't really talk about Cabo, but meh.

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